About Me
With an interdisciplinary research background, I am inspired to apply my knowledge and experience in developing multivariate methods for ’omics data analyses that can identify potential applications in the real-world. During my research career, I have >13 years of experience in working both theoretical (statistics/bioinformatics) and applied (biostatistics/ medical/ biology/ infection control) research groups and various projects. Whilst still in the mid stage of my career my published research has a good impact: total >5000 citations (H-index=19).
Form past few years I have focused my research to understand the impact of Unrestricted Antibiotic Usage on the Gut Microbiome and Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) among relatively healthy population. Our pilot study in Bangladesh is the first of its kind. There is no other study trying to investigate the unrestricted use of antibiotics in generally healthy population and exploring other possible sources of AMR, like animal and environment. Mirroring this study in India will give us the comparative factor in neighbouring country. Multiple locations will enable us to include effect of various culture and food habit. Further my plan is to extend this as a prospective cohort study, so that we can investigate the changes of microbiome within individuals’ and associate them with different groups of antibiotics to identify key, patho-physiologically/functionality relevant microbiome changes (taxonomy and functions).

Key Areas of Research Interest :
- Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics
- Taxonomic and Functional annotation
- Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing
- Clinical Trials
- Application in Medical Studies
- Applied Statistics & Algorithms
- Metagenome Assembly
- Sequencing Data Analysis
- Application in Personalised Medicine
- Health Care Associated Infection
Educational background
After studying Mathematics and Statistics background (BSc & MSc) I felt extremely interested in the applied Statistics and to the newly developed field of genomics research which motivated me to pursue my Ph.D. in Bioinformatics. My Ph.D. thesis was mainly related to the application of statistics and data analysis in next generation sequencing: the newly evolved field of Metagenomics.
I was awarded the prestigious honour summa cum laude, by The University of Tübingen in 2010 for my Ph.D. work. During this time, I was also an adjunct teaching staff in the Department of Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Following my Ph.D. I did three postdocs in Germany, UK (Marie Curie Experienced Research Fellow) and Singapore before joining the senior research scientist position at IFR (currently Quadram Institute), Norwich. There I was solely responsible for all bioinformatics analyses and NGS data analyses from multiple projects which involve medical metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and RNAseq data analyses.
I joined UoL in Nov’16. Over the past six years I have secured a significant amount of research funding and also continuously involved in research and teaching at UoL. I have over 12 years of experience in leading bioinformatics teams, handling next-generation sequencing data, and applying statistical methods to the analyses I have also presented my research in several international conferences.