Major Grants


2023-24  Hamied Foundation UK-India AMR Visiting Fellowships  –  £6000


2022-2023 Using shotgun metagenomic profiling to gain functional insights about the prebiotic effects of omega-3 fatty acids; Crucible 2021 by Nesta. The UK’s innovation agency for social good; Awarded value (100%): £8000.
Principal Investigator.


2022-2023Impact of unrestricted antibiotic usage on the gut microbiome and antibiotic resistance genes in developing countries; Michael Beverley Fellowship; Awarded value (100%):
£7500. Principal Investigator


2022-2023 –  Studying longitudinal microbiome shift and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in association with unrestricted antibiotic usage in a poor Community.; International Strategic Fund (ISF); Awarded value (100%): £4000.
Principal Investigator


2022-2023- Developing novel strategies for weight loss– an interdisciplinary approach to target starch digestion and activate gut-brain ; Crucible 2021 by Nesta. The UK’s innovation agency for social good; Awarded value (100%):
£8000. Principal Investigator


11/1/2020- 4/30/2022: Impact of antimicrobial prescribing during the COVID-pandemic on MDRO colonisation and the gut microbiome; Awarded value (100%):£87,327
Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead


30/07/2018- 20/12/2019: Development of an in vitro intestinal dysbiosis model, USA Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Awarded value (100%): £327,740
 Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead


21/01/2019- 20/01/2026: COLO-COHORT (Colorectal Cancer Cohort) Study, Guts UK
Charity (fka Core); Awarded value (100%): £1.25 million.
 Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead.


01/09/2020- 27/11/2020: SARS-CoV-2 microbiome / viral excretion, EnteroBiotix; Awarded
value (100%): £8,903.
Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead


01/11/2020- 30/04/2021: BSAC COVID microbiome, British Society for Antimicrobial; Awarded
value (100%):

Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead.


01/10/2018- 31/03/2020: Effect of trehalose on C. difficile infection, Hayashibara Co. Ltd
(Industry); Awarded value (100%): £57,260.
Co-investigator & Bioinformatics lead


Funding through company projects for microbiome data analysis work:–

  • – 2017-18: Summit Plc; CoDIFy- £27,905
  • – 2017-18: Astellas; EXTEND- £23,740
  • – 2018-19: Astellas; PROFILE- £25,964

I am a co-investigator (bioinformatics lead) on multiple large awards


  • Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship (Initial Training Networks (ITN)-FP7) during 2011 2012. £102,822
  • FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) FightingDrugFailure (Grant Agreement Number 238132).
  • FightingDrugFailure ITN focusing the area of Pharmacogenomics.


International Science & Technology (ISAT) Linkages Fund (Germany): During my Ph.D. I helped Prof. Daniel Huson to obtain this grant, which supported me for collaborative research (including travel) with Massy University New Zealand during the period 2009.

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